Food Safety & Sanitation

Filth Flies

Spring is coming – so are flies!! Filth Flies just love being in restaurants, and basic preventative measures go a long way to avoiding an infestation. Filth Flies include Drain


What is one of the best ways to prevent food borne illness? One of the best and most effective ways to keep your foods safe in any operation is proper

Wash, Rinse, Sanitize

Proper washing and sanitizing of food equipment, includes dishes, tableware, pots & pans, cutting boards… yes, anything that food touches. Improper cleaning and sanitizing is an important process that helps

Glove Usage

Last month, we talked about proper hand washing. The next step in helping to prevent food borne illness is proper glove usage. Gloves are available either as latex or vinyl,

Saying No to Norovirus

Last month, a local restaurant was in the news as suspected of having a Norovirus Outbreak. The restaurant had a great response, which included shutting down for a few days

Dry & Sanitizer Cloths

Dry Cloths and Sanitizer Cloths – what is the right way to use them? A frequent area of confusion in knowledge and practice is proper towel usage. Sanitizing cloths are

Sanitizer Levels

A key part of providing safe food is properly sanitizing surfaces in your operation. These are not the most exciting subjects in any food operation, but not paying attention to

Facility Management

Maintaining Logs

A tool that managers use to maintain safe food in their operations is taking and recording of logs. There are a variety of logs that should be kept as a

Emergency Procedures

Here in Hawaii, we do have our share of power and water outages, and they are not always false alarms. As an old Boy Scout, it is always best to

Thawing Procedures

A commonly overlooked step in safe food handling is improper thawing of frozen products. Here are some basic do’s and do not’s. The best way is to take the food

Cooling Procedures

With the summer heat, there are lots of ways to cool yourself down. Cooked foods have lots of ways to cool off as well. Here is the why and how

State Regulations

Q & A with DOH

Questions from restaurateurs that I had asked the DoH for an answer 1. “seated together”can mean at the same table but doesn’t necessarily mean “seated at the same time”. I’m

Thoughts on Getting Ready to Re-Open

As we are very near to re-opening, there is a lot of information, and I tried to pull together what restaurants need to do to be ready. This information and

New DOH Regulations

The Hawaii DoH is gradually improving and raising the food safety standards, and this September 2nd, they are implementing some key regulations from the 2013 FDA Food Code. These are

Dept. of Health Visits

While Health Department visits can be stressful, if you have a properly designed and followed a Food Safety Program, your blood pressure should not have to spike. DoH inspectors are


Resolutions for your Restaurant Like most people, New Year’s resolutions are a wish to improve on a personal issue in the coming year. I broke mine with the extra pancakes